abstract background elements #1
abstract background elements #1
abstract background elements #4
abstract background elements #4
abstract background elements #5
abstract background elements #5
abstract background elements #2
abstract background elements #2
abstract background element #3
abstract background element #3
Mango Chili Press full logo slanted
Mango Chili Press full logo slanted
front and back cover of The Burnout Guide book on a purple background
front and back cover of The Burnout Guide book on a purple background
black illustration of a tiger chasing a humanoid figure
black illustration of a tiger chasing a humanoid figure
open full spread of The Burnout Guide book #3
open full spread of The Burnout Guide book #3
open full spread of The Burnout Guide book #2
open full spread of The Burnout Guide book #2
open full spread of The Burnout Guide book #1
open full spread of The Burnout Guide book #1

Through bite-sized bits of wisdom, The Burnout Guide turns a challenging experience into lessons learned. Doesn't matter if you’re a creative professional or just someone looking for a deeper understanding of burnout!

Summer spotlight:
The Book for Creatives with issues

For the golden child that feels like they’re slowly becoming mediocre. For the jaded designer working overtime to create social media posts.

We're Mr. Worldwide

Europe, American, Africa, we got you covered

black illustration of a humanoid looking out a window
black illustration of a humanoid looking out a window
black illustration of a humanoid in fetal position with a tear drop on its cheek
black illustration of a humanoid in fetal position with a tear drop on its cheek
black illustration of hands being separated
black illustration of hands being separated
black illustration of eyes with tear drops behind a flame
black illustration of eyes with tear drops behind a flame
black illustration of a crying humanoid with missing puzzle pieces on its head and body
black illustration of a crying humanoid with missing puzzle pieces on its head and body
black illustration of a hand reaching for a fig surrounded by autumn leaves
black illustration of a hand reaching for a fig surrounded by autumn leaves
black illustration of a humanoid lying down in darkness surrounded by skull and bones
black illustration of a humanoid lying down in darkness surrounded by skull and bones
black illustration of a lit cigarette in front of a full ash tray, martini glass and wine bottle
black illustration of a lit cigarette in front of a full ash tray, martini glass and wine bottle
black illustration of a humanoid looking upwards with its finger on its chin
black illustration of a humanoid looking upwards with its finger on its chin
black illustration of a snake shaped as a circle surrounded by flames
black illustration of a snake shaped as a circle surrounded by flames
black illustration of three birds conversing
black illustration of three birds conversing
black illustration of jewels in different shapes
black illustration of jewels in different shapes

Served with generous spreads of nearly 100 hand-drawn illustrations, The Burnout Guide isn't just your regular self-help book. Appetizers below:

"I will for sure keep it on my bookshelf for my next burnout." —Madina,
Motion Designer

Mango Chili Press is an indie publisher founded by two
human beans.

We’re here to serve up fresh topics and stories from the younger generation. Satisfaction for your eyes and brain, guaranteed. No artificial flavors—just pure creative goodness (ツ)

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